01 -
Strip the leaves off the rosemary and thyme, then crush them. Mix those together with the linden honey so you’ve got a fragrant marinade.
02 -
Heat up some olive oil in a heavy-bottomed pot, then brown the lamb shanks in it. Season them with salt and pepper. Coat the lamb with the honey-herb blend, giving another quick sauté to brown them again. Pour in the muscat wine, toss in the unpeeled garlic cloves, and add half a cup of water.
03 -
Let it cook at 150°C (static heat) for 2 1/2 hours. Be sure to turn the lamb shanks every 30 minutes so they cook evenly.
04 -
Boil the baby potatoes for about 10 minutes. Then, fry them up in a pan with butter, olive oil, herbs, and a squashed garlic clove. Sprinkle on some salt and pepper, and make sure to baste them with the flavorful butter while cooking.
05 -
Take the lamb shanks out. Strain the cooking juices and let them simmer over high heat until you get a syrupy sauce. Serve the lamb with the potatoes, pour over the sauce, and garnish with rosemary sprigs and the baked garlic.