Vegetarian Gluten-Free Quiche (Printer-Friendly Version)

# Shopping List:

→ Veggies

01 - Spinach, fresh – a handful
02 - Tomatoes, sun-dried – a handful
03 - Garlic – 6 cloves
04 - Carrots – 3 whole
05 - Leeks – 2 stalks
06 - Broccoli – 1 head
07 - Onion – 1

→ Quiche Base

08 - Chickpea flour – 3 cups
09 - Lemons, juice only – 2
10 - Water – 2 cups

→ Herbs and Spices

11 - Ginger powder – 1 teaspoon
12 - Cumin powder – 1 teaspoon
13 - Dried thyme – 2 tablespoons
14 - Parsley, curly or flat-leaf – 1 bunch
15 - Salt – to taste
16 - Pepper – to taste

# Let's Cook:

01 - Crank up your oven to 180°C using grill with a fan setting. Steam the veggies and sun-dried tomatoes for about 10 minutes. They should end up soft, yet have a slight crunch.
02 - Throw chickpea flour, water, lemon juice, garlic (cooked), thyme, parsley, raw spinach, salt, pepper, and all the spices into a blender. Blend it well until it turns into a smooth batter.
03 - In a big mixing bowl, mix the batter together with the steamed veggies. Make sure it’s well combined, then pour the mixture into a quiche dish.
04 - Bake it at 180°C for 45–50 minutes. Let it cool down a bit before slicing and serving.

# Cook's Tips:

01 - A gluten-free vegetarian quiche
02 - Stays fresh in the fridge for at least 2 days
03 - You can tweak the recipe to match different seasons or personal taste